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Efficacy Issue and Expected Widespread Impact

Efficacy Issue and Expected Widespread Impact

1. Dental infections are a common public health problem that can lead to serious “oral and systemic” health problems if left untreated. Antibiotics are often prescribed to treat these infections, but overuse and misuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance, a growing concern worldwide.

2. One way of addressing this problem is through rational antibiotic prescribing, which includes using antibiotics only when necessary and selecting the most appropriate antibiotic for the type of infection and the individual patient's circumstances.

3. The issue of rational use of antibiotics in the treatment of dental infections is the most important area since studentship, and it is a critical disease area that needs to be learned in the field. The purpose of this event is to educate dentists on the importance of appropriate antibiotic prescribing and to promote the adoption of evidence-based guidelines for antibiotic use in dental practice.

4. The widespread impact of these congresses can be seen in the growing awareness among dentists of the risks associated with the overuse and misuse of antibiotics, as well as the importance of using antibiotics wisely to preserve their effectiveness for future generations.

5. The fact that the information presented and discussed in this congress can turn into behavior after being informed is the point where the congress has fulfilled its mission. In this sense, the event means unnecessary and wrong use of antibiotics, mouthwash, etc. Information will be created on the prevention of its use, and an attempt will be made to prevent the rapidly increasing antibiotic resistance due to unnecessary use of antibiotics.

6. The target audience is 3rd, 4th and 5th year dentistry students, public or private dentists and academicians. As was done in previous years, the "congress book" consisting of speech texts and papers will be opened for free online reading. Congress books can be accessed from the congress websites (doinf.sakarya.edu.tr and oralmikrobioterapi.org). The book of this congress will also be placed on the web page after the congress.

7. In addition, our meetings have the feature of interacting academicians - industrialists (manufacturers) - dentists and the end user of the product.

8. Interesting information and other PUBLIC spot information generated during the congress will be conveyed in the form of SPOT information with Anadolu Agency and other local media elements, so that the information will reach the public and awareness will be raised. In previous congresses, press releases and congress results were included in the press of those days and the importance of the issue in terms of public health was emphasized in these ways. Therefore, with the congress, it will be expected that the importance of the issue will be understood correctly in the public and thus contribute to the formation of social interest/understanding/consciousness.

Since our 9th Congress project is a project where the subjects in the field of medicine and dentistry will be discussed on an academic platform and innovations in the field of health services will be discussed, the 11th Development Plan's “2.3.3. It is compatible with the "Health" section.

10. At the same time, since the issues to be brought to the agenda within the scope of our project will be carried out within the framework of the cooperation of faculty members from different faculties (medicine - dental) serving health, it will contribute to the goal of “increasing inter-institutional cooperation in the health sector” in Article 579 of the 11th Development Plan.

  The fact that Turkish and foreign scientists from different countries (USA, England, Finland, Nepal, Malaysia, etc.) will attend our 11th Congress as speakers and participants will actually contribute to the gathering of our region and the Turkish scientific world, to discussing and presenting technological developments and innovations. . In this way, the 11th development plan “ Compliance with the “Science, Technology and Innovation” clause will be ensured. In addition, our project also contributes to the principle of “realization of the national technology move” in the 11th Development Plan targets, Articles 354 and 355.

12. In addition, the publication of the papers presented at the congress as a full text in a journal (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/bshr) will contribute to the academic activities of our country.